How to Define The Blogging Niche That Makes You Successful

Blogging with laptop

Gone are the days when blogs looked like online diaries. To make your blog stand out among a ton of others on the internet, finding a specific blogging niche topic to blog is really important.


Believe me! Blogging niche is so important. And finding the right niche for your blog is the key to success.

But the fact is that, although all of us find writing easy when we do it freely every day, changing to writing day by day about specific subjects isn’t for everyone.  

Many new bloggers have been struggling with when they find their suitable niche and write for it. It became one of the main reasons why some people give up blogging after a short time.

If you find yourself in the same situation, this article will help you understand what a blogging niche is, and how you can choose the right one to confidently kick off your blogging career.

 What Is a Blogging Niche? 

The word “niche” is very common in business and marketing, when “niche” refers to specialized market sectors that companies can serve better than their competition.

In the blogging business, a niche is seen as a specific subject that you will focus on creating content to be suitable for a specific audience group. To be simple, it’s what you’re going to write about.

As a niche blogger, the most common way that you can think of a blog niche is:

  • What is the topic your blog is going to discuss?
  • Who are the target readers?

And Why Do You Need to Choose A Blogging Niche?

You Will Reach Your Potential Audience

Finding your blog a niche is the best way to reach your target audience and unlock potential growth.

Blogging is a highly competitive game, and if your blog is talking about random topics, nobody would know where to go to find the content they need in your blog. Because when you write for everyone, you’ll write for no one.

Niche makes your Blog A Business Prospect

When you narrow down your content subjects for a specific group of readers. You’re a niche blogger.

This is a potential for ad networks to partner with you and for affiliate marketing programs to come on board. In particular, they pay you to put their offerings in front of your niche market. If you’re a niche blogger, you’ll have more opportunities to attract monetization prospects. 

You Can Drive More Traffic to Your Blog

Since you’re working in a laser-focused niche, you are more likely to get rewarded by Google in terms of organic traffic. Being in the right niche also lets you attract like-minded users.

Since your blog is gonna be about one topic, your readers are more likely to stick around. And they will more likely bookmark your website to return and find more content about that topic.

Thanks to that, your blog would have a lower bounce rate, a higher average page on time, and your community would expand. This whole process may be slow in the beginning, but eventually, everything would just change in one night. 

You Will Be An Expert In Your Niche

Learning is a slow process, but as you spend regular time daily on learning about one subject, eventually you will end up being top 1%-5% in that particular field. 

The miracle is, that you would not even realize how you gained such knowledge, as your hunger for learning becomes endless. You can realize the difference by reviewing your old post after a period of time.

You Can Promote Your Blog Easily

This reason alone should compel you to spend a significant amount of time selecting a niche. When you have a focused blog, your marketing efforts become a bit easier than an unfocused blog, and you will see better results with fewer efforts. 

And Of Course! You Will Make More Money!

Once your blog starts getting traction, you will be approached by advertisers. This would really be a game-changer for your blogging career, as your initial niche selection will help you make more money in comparison to your peers. 

Due to the laser-focused niche, the ads should be getting high CTR from the hyper-targeted audience, this would be maximum mullah. Many bloggers even earn more than $12,000 on a single day because they are in a focused niche.  

Yes! It sounds so exciting. But, you don’t know which niche is suitable for you to start? Let’s get into that next.  

How to Choose A Perfect Blogging Niche That Makes Your Blog A Massive Success

Choosing A Niche Based on Your Interest or Passion

Before looking for the right niche in the market, let’s review yourself. There’s no point writing for a niche if you don’t like to. Furthermore, niche audiences are looking for high-quality content that reflects the writer’s passion, expertise, and ideas. 

Don’t aim for the niche that makes you the most money or guarantees high traffic at this stage – let’s think about that later. For now, list the topics, subjects, and ideas that attract you and spark your passion. Don’t be afraid to get creative. Maybe your silliest idea could evolve into a set of niche topics you never even knew existed.  

Or, think of life experiences that have made you who you are today. That could be your hardest moment, your journey to happiness, or how did you get over the pains in your life. Or intimate moments that had a profound impact.

Here are some examples:

  • Single life
  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Personal finance
  • Applying for citizenship
  • Studying abroad
  • Daily habits
  • Adoption
  • Dealing with health issues

These are the stories that make up your life. They come with a unique perspective that only you can write but open the door to others who may share a similar experience.

Choosing A Low Competition Niche

Competition is another factor that you should consider before getting into a niche. You should avoid a highly competitive niche, where a lot of other webmasters are creating a website in the same niche.

Your goal should be to pick a niche that is not very competitive, and not a lot of bloggers are looking into it. At the same time, it has the potential to grow over time.

Choosing A Niche Based on Your Expertise

Internet users have a tendency to find content that’s helpful to them. If your article is a bunch of outdated information and wrong knowledge. They won’t likely come back to your blog again.  

So, think about what you know. The easiest way to choose the right blogging niche for you is to select the topics you have enough understanding and experience with. This is always a natural choice.

If you pursue niches that are new to you, it may be more challenging, but not impossible. It only takes time before you want to blog about the niches that are strange to you. Dedicate your time every day to study about those niches to come to grips with them. That makes you well-prepared before starting blogging. 

blogging expertise

Choosing A Niche That’s Still Relevant in The Future

So you found a few niches that suit you, but how about their trend in the future?

Besides the traffic, competition, and SEO difficulty, trends are an important factor in helping you understand which topics are still popular from now to the upcoming time and which ones are cooling down.

Before you choose your right niche, make sure its trend will still increase and be relevant in the time to come.

There are exceptions when you are working on a micro-niche, and your time for that blog is not more than 1-2 years. You can use Google Trends to check out the trends of any niche. Start with easy steps.

  • Head over to the Google Trends page
  • Enter your niche topic
  • Select the target area (Example: Worldwide, India, United States, Australia). This can be the country where you or your target audiences are living.
  • Select the year range. I recommend you select 5 years (or as long as possible) to see the whole picture of your niche.

Google would show you how the interest of users has increased or decreased around that topic.

Be careful when you choose a trendy niche. Because trends can be seasonal or returning periodically, several trends are influenced by other trends, news, and events throughout the world. But the key here is choosing a niche that helps you create evergreen content that is always useful and appealing to your audiences.

Google Trends is a powerful tool for staying on top of shifting niche audience needs. You can also figure out which topics are hot and which to avoid when looking at how to choose a niche for your blog.

Choosing A Niche That Solve Problems For Your Audience

Your blog will be so powerful if it can provide content that solves almost all the problems of your readers. Absolutely! People tend to google their problems to find the best and fastest solutions.

While identifying your expertise and passion is important, solving a problem will attract more readers. Try looking for a niche where you can help your readers better their lives every day. 

It can be some home tips and life hacks that you have tried and succeeded at.

You can put yourself into your audience’s shoes to find out what problems they’re facing on a daily basis. Doing simple research by asking your friends, colleagues, and family members to know what they’re struggling with in daily life. 

Besides, creating quick online surveys using Google Forms to get the audience’s pain points and desires is another option to opt in.

After getting insight from the audience in your niche, you can start giving them helpful and encouraging advice to help them resolve their problems. The more challenges you can solve for your readers, the more likely they will return to your blog.

Choosing A Monetizable Niche

Making money is one of the main reasons encouraging you to blog. It can make your life meaningful and give you the momentum to continue bringing value to many people.

However, the monetization potential of every blogging niche is varied. While the finance, travel, and food niches have enormous potential to earn big, niche topics around outdated technologies or offensive ideologies won’t make you very much. 

Another factor to consider is monetization options. 

  • Will you plan to earn money with display ads? 
  • Are you interested in some affiliate marketing programs? 
  • Do you like guest blogging and sponsored articles?
  • Or do you have any product/ service to offer?

You need to define what is your long-term revenue goal for your blog to choose the way that fits your niche.

So many things to do when choosing the right niche to begin. But as a beginner, just take it easy! Let’s start with small steps to gradually sharpen your blog niche.

Moreover, Give Yourself Time To Try And Find What Niches Are Suitable For You

When you start your blog, you may want to write about anything popping up in your head. But blogging without a niche won’t actually help you go far for a long time.

However, don’t take your first steps too seriously. You can write about your passion at the beginning. 

I believe that when you write about your passions, and what you love, you will never burn out and run out of ideas. Because there are things you have wanted to let the world know for a long time. Just write several blog posts for each subject that you like, and you can examine which one inspires you the most and stick to it.

It’s no pressure and really enjoyable!

So, don’t be so hard on choosing your optimum niche. Just try any subject that inspires you and makes you fun to write about.

Don’t force yourself to be like any others by finding the most profitable niches but totally strange. Select a niche in which you can become an expert to give more valuable things to many people, and build your income stream from that.

Finding your right niche doesn’t happen overnight. But as long as you give yourself time to try and fail, you can find the niche that fits you the most.

Be yourself and be fun when blogging.

Anh Phuong

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